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The Soul Leads and the Body Follows
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Category: Past Events

The Soul Leads and the Body Follows

Jamee Culbertson

Date of the Event/Workshop:
September 23, 2021  6:30pm to 9pm Eastern

Location of the Event/Workshop:

Brief Description of Event:
What would it be like to inhabit a physical body that reflected the natural radiance and grace of the soul? What would our experience be like if difficult emotions didn’t derail us? What would happen if we didn’t get enmeshed in self limiting beliefs? When the soul leads, we realize that the experience of psycho spiritual unity, is our natural way of being. In this class, we’ll take a deeper dive into what it means to allow our soul to be the primary conductor of our lives. We’ll also explore how making contact with others from our soul, can inform and be transformative in what we offer as teachers and how we live as human beings. Instructors: Jamee Culbertson and Jay Hovenesian. In this class series we explore we’ll explore topics such as:* Psycho-Spiritual Unity* Bringing our soul's wisdom and vision to the work* Means whereby as an opportunity to explore presence in practice* Primary control from the perspective of our highest Self.

Website or Event Registration Link: 

For full workshop details, workshop updates and any changes to date or venue please visit the event’s website. This workshop can be used to fulfill ATI continuing education requirements.
ATI is happy to post information about member-hosted workshops and other events as a service to our members; however, we need to clarify that these events are offered independently of ATI and any liability falls on the event hosts and not on ATI. But we hope the issue of liability never arises and that all attendees have a wonderful time!