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Pedagogical Methods: Crafting Dynamic Online Group Teaching for Musicians
Friday, April 23, 2021, 11:45 AM to Friday, July 02, 2021, 1:45 PM EDT
Category: Past Events

Pedagogical Methods: Crafting Dynamic Online Group Teaching for Musicians

Ariel Weiss

Date of the Event/Workshop:
Fridays, April 2nd 11:45 - 1:45pm Eastern/NYC (ongoing through June 11th)

Location of the Event/Workshop:
on Zoom

Brief Description of Event:
How can you craft dynamic, experiential learning opportunities for musicians online? What do musicians need our help with and how can we effectively build an online community and teach AT principles without the ability to use our hands in contact? Join me and the trainees from the Philadelphia School for the Alexander Technique online each week - our sessions frame my weekly Musicians' Master Class. We gather at 11:45 before class begins at noon and then spend time at the close of the class (at 1:00) to further discuss, explore and comment. To register: https://calendly.com/atphila/pedagogical-methods $20 or Pay What You Will.

This is a FREE workshop/event!

Website or Event Registration Link:

For full workshop details, workshop updates and any changes to date or venue please visit the event’s website.
ATI is happy to post information about member-hosted workshops and other events as a service to our members; however, we need to clarify that these events are offered independently of ATI and any liability falls on the event hosts and not on ATI. But we hope the issue of liability never arises and that all attendees have a wonderful time!